Vaping: Risk You Take

Vaping: Risk You Take

What is a Vape?

A vape is an electronic cigarette that is battery-powered or rechargeable. Inside, a heated coil transforms vaping liquid into smoke. This liquid contains many harmful chemicals often found in cleaning products and nail polish remover that damages the body. Many of these chemicals are found in tobacco cigarettes, causing cancer, irritating the lungs, and damaging the skin. Vaping has been seen as ‘fun’ and ‘safe’ with different colours and flavours, but this is not true.


  • These vapes often contain nicotine
  • Can lead to addictive behaviours
  • Many health risks include damaging lungs, throat, skin
  • Can cause different cancers in the lungs and mouth
  • Can cause periodontal disease and other diseases
  • Inhaling unknown and harmful chemicals
  • Inhaling microplastics and metals